October 14, 2024
A free trade agreement is an agreement between two or more countries to reduce trade barriers In International trade. Under a free trade agreement, goods can be bought and sold across international borders with no tariffs.
- It aims at reduce duty completely from day one or over a certain number of years.
- To Claim this benefit we required the Preferential Certificate of Origin with the respect to origin as per carotar rules.
List of Agreement
- India - Bhutan Agreement on Trade, Commerce and Transit.
- Revised Indo- Nepal Treaty of Trade.
- India- Sri Lanka FTA (ISLFTA).
- India - Thailand FTA - Early Harvest Scheme (EHS).
- India - Singapore Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA).
- India - South Korea Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA).
- India - Malaysia Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement.
- India - Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement.
- India – Bangladesh.
- The India - Taipei Association in Taipei (ITA) & the Taipei .
- Economic & Cultural Center in India on the FICCI / TAITRA for
- the temporary Admission of Goods.
- SAPTA (India, Pakistan, Nepal,Sri Lanka,Bangladesh,
- Bhutan and the Maldives) .
- India - Mauritius Comprehensive Economic Cooperation and
- Partnership Agreement (CECPA).
- Australia-India Comprehensive Economic Cooperation
- Agreement (AI-CECA).