Preferential Trade Agreements

October 16, 2024

Preferential Trade Agreements


  • A key benefit under PTA is preferential tariff, i.e. applicability of lower customs duty on import of goods from partner countries. India has notified separate rules for determining whether goods being imported from a country are eligible for preferential tariff benefit under PTA arrangement.


List of Agreement


  1. Asia Pacific Trade Agreement (APTA)
  2. Global System of Trade Preferences (GSTP)
  3. SAARC Preferential Trading Agreement (SAPTA)
  4. India-Afghanistan PTA
  6. India-Chile PTA
  7. Revised Indo- Nepal Treaty of Trade
  8. India - South Korea Comprehensive Economic Partnership 

              Agreement (CEPA) 

  1. India  – ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (Brunei, 

      Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines,       

       Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam) 

       11.  Import under India - The United Arab Emirates Comprehensive 

       Economic Cooperation and Partnership Agreement (CECPA)

      12.  India - Mauritius Comprehensive Economic Cooperation and 

       Partnership Agreement (CECPA)

       13. India- Australia (CEPA)